Kickstart prebuild Containers

Intermediate containers help speeding up build and deployment times. Infracamp provides containers for PHP, NodeJs, C++, Jekyll, Python. They are available on dockerhub and build daily, weekly and with long time support.

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Name Synopsis Documentation
Platform: x86 (IBM-PC)    
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-base Base image (Ubuntu 18.04) GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-gaia PHP7.2, Apache2 new PHP7.4! see docs GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-jekyll Jekyll Github pages GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-py3 Python3, pip GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-erebos nodejs, angular GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-datalytics [alpha!] R,Python3,RStudio,Jupyter GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-sdi gcloud,azure,aws GitHub - DockerHub
Platform: arm32v7 (e.g. Raspberry Pi) Best practise arm32    
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-arm32v7-base Base image (Ubuntu 18.04) GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/kickstart-flavor-arm32v7-php7 PHP7.2, Apache2 (eq. x86-gaia) GitHub - DockerHub

Prebuild service containers ready to use software

We offer management software containers for various tasks. These containers are based on our flavored containers.

Viper application container

Name Synopsis Documentation
infracamp/viper-smtpd SMTPd Server GitHub - DockerHub
infracamp/redis Redis Server GitHub - DockerHub

Rudl cloud management tools

Name Synopsis Documentation
infracamp/rudl-manager Docker Cluster Manager GitHub - DockerHub