Unveil the real power of microservices, micro-frontends, automation tools: Experiment, Migrate,
Benefit. We support open-minded agile infrastructure. Ready now for the future to come.
KasimirJS is a new project focusing on replacing monolythic frameworks
like Angular or React by a browser native set of small libraries. KasimirJS uses
modern browsers WebComponents for rendering templates supporting loops, conditions.
(14 Apr 2020)
Today PHP7.4 was released. And we are proud to present the the freshly build
kickstart-flavor container ready for download. Please test and report bugs.
The stable kickstart-flavor version will be available on December 12, 2019.
(28 Nov 2019)
ES7.4: Using Lostash input filter 'syslog' to analyze (e.g. nginx, apache, ...) logs. Using
json syslog format in rfc3164 instead of combined log. Set up indexes, test the pipeline.
PHP syslog script to test RFC3164 UDP syslog.
(15 Oct 2019)
Using `docker-machine`, we can provision a multi-node docker-swarm cluster on gpc within
few seconds. This article covers spinning up a stateless
docker swarm with manager, worker and storage nodes and deploying a cloudfront. Just by
executing one shell script. So we can spin up new clusters daily instead of updating
existing ones.
(13 Oct 2019)
Developing IT products is an exciting task. Technology is complex. And product design
is about to understand your customers and anticipate their needs exactly.
(05 Oct 2019)